Rock Climbing Shoes: Should You Wear Socks

Rock Climbing Shoes: Should You Wear Socks

If you’ve been rock climbing for a while or just got into it, you’ve undoubtedly seen someone wearing socks in addition to their climbing shoes at some point. Some climbers believe that wearing socks with climbing shoes is a fashion disaster and is comparable to wearing socks inside of sandals.

However, some climbers may argue the opposite. We’re here to answer your question about do you wear socks with rock climbing shoes. Although it may seem dull, we promise you’ll be astonished when you learn about the impacts of socks.

Because they tend to seem a little silly, most people avoid wearing socks with their climbing shoes. It gives off the vibe that you’re inexperienced. But it’s not always the case. Many seasoned climbers enjoy wearing socks with their shoes.

So, if you try to go climbing while wearing socks, it is advised against it. Most climbers experience it. You might be perplexed, just like every climber is. Socks make sense since they keep our feet from stinking, right?

At some point or another, didn’t all of our mothers yell at us for not wearing shoes? Why then don’t people wear socks with their shoes? Do we need to wear them or not? Let’s investigate this further.

Considerable Factors

Kinds of climbing

Kinds of climbing
source of image: istockphoto

You should carefully consider the sort of climbing you’ll do prior to deciding if to wear socks with your stone climbing shoes. For example, you could find that wearing socks isn’t required if you intend to do a lot of bouldering or sports climbing since you will not be moving for extremely long.

Wearing socks, be that as it may, might be more profitable assuming that you intend to do a ton of multi-pitch or customary climbing since you’ll move for longer periods of time and require more solace and protection.

Personal Choice

Personal Choice
source of image: istockphoto

Whether or not to wear socks with rock climbing shoes is ultimately a matter of preference. Others prefer to climb without socks, while certain climbers swear by them.

The Atmosphere

The atmosphere
source of image: istockphoto

Another crucial aspect to think about is the atmosphere you’ll be climbing in. You might find that socks are not necessary in warm weather. But in cold weather, you might discover that wearing socks is more advantageous because they can keep your feet warm.

Shape Of Foot

Last but not least, the shape of your feet should be taken into consideration. You can discover that socks make the shoe fit too loosely if you have tiny feet. You could find that socks assist in filling the excess space in the shoe if you have wide feet.

Advantages Of Wearing Socks Inside Of Your Rock Climbing Shoes

Wearing socks inside of your rock climbing shoes has a few advantages.

Socks Provide Some More Cushioning

Socks provide some more cushioning
source of image: istockphoto

Whether you are a newbie climber or have been moving for some time doesn’t exactly make any difference. Each climber experiences a point in their life when their feet start to hurt a lot of moves. To help you have foot sensitivity so that you can accurately feel all the edges, cracks, rocks, etc., rock climbing shoes don’t provide a lot of cushioning.

Your world will change if you wear socks. You can have extra comfort with socks without compromising grip. You will be more at ease while still being able to feel the cracks, edges, and rocks. Fundamentally, this suggests that you will actually want to move higher and focus more on climbing instead of allowing the inconvenience to distract you. Your shoes will be more averse to causing you any type of foot torment assuming that you wear socks with them.

Wearing Socks Promotes Personal Hygiene

Wearing socks promotes personal hygiene
Source of image: istockphoto

Each of our mothers warned us repeatedly to always wear socks when playing outside. This is because sweat, filth, and humidity together produce a stench that we are all familiar with. The odor is like having hundreds of rotten eggs dropped on your feet. Wearing socks is the only way to get rid of this odor.

Due to its long-lasting settling in the shoes, this odor is quite difficult to eliminate. Although the smell can be reduced using a deodorant, it never truly goes gone. Sweat has a foul odor for a reason. The odor is brought on by the bacteria that decompose sweat.

Your feet come into contact with the grossness while you are wearing shoes without socks. You’ll start wearing socks with your rock climbing shoes once you realize how disgusting that might be.

Socks Provide More Comfort

Socks provide more comfort
source of image: istockphoto

Socks can provide that extra cushioning and improve the comfort of your climb. You should give it a try since you’ll quickly forget and learn to disregard what other climbers are making fun of you. Teasing is preferable to experiencing agonizing pain.

Simply putting on socks will provide you with extra comfort and cushioning without causing you any pain. If you wear socks, you won’t experience the typical burning you do after climbing rocks. If you are wearing socks, your feet will be protected from all the seam tape, stitching, and other sharp objects inside the shoes.

Therefore, once you begin wearing socks with your climbing shoes, I promise you won’t go back. It won’t be painful to put on your climbing shoes any longer. Additionally, neither you nor others nearby will be bothered by the scent of decaying cheese and eggs any longer.

It Is A Different Feeling

Climbers wearing rock boots can experience extreme slippage. Many seasoned climbers share the same belief, but you may verify it for yourself. They claim that compared to starter boots, rock boots are far more stiff. They experience far greater slippage.

Many other climbers say that the situation can be affected by the location of the climb. Whenever experienced climbers are edging, socks cannot be preferred. However, socks appear to be really beneficial in keeping your feet secure and pain-free when it comes to cracks. Additionally, you can avoid having stinky feet. We cannot stress this more!

There is a way to reduce the odor if you want to climb sans socks. To assist in reducing odor, place some rock-climbing chalk inside the shoes. The chalk will help to lessen sweat that rubs on your foot and create enormous stinking bacteria, even if the odor will still be present. Of course, you can avoid all of this by just wearing socks.

To Ensure A Great Fit, Choose Larger Sizes Of Shoes

We now understand the benefits of wearing socks while climbing. However, we also comprehend that climbing shoes are made so that nothing else could conceivably fit inside. To achieve the solace you need, it is consequently desirable to get a couple of shoes that are a portion of a size bigger than whatever you normally wear.

Ensure you put on the shoes with a couple of socks on so you can be sure the fit will be great. Save your current shoes for when you want to climb sans socks if you already have them. The world of fashion doesn’t really matter when you’re climbing. Your objective should be to perform well and, quite literally, soar to new heights. The comfort of the climber should be the main consideration.


In conclusion, do you wear socks with rock climbing shoes? Climbers used to always wear socks when they first started rock climbing. That changed over time, and now it’s considered a rookie move to wear socks with rock climbing shoes. However, socks can enhance your climbs’ cushioning and comfort without losing sensitivity. Instead of trying to push the ideas about how much your feet hurt out of your head as you try to make it through your climb, this makes it simpler to endure and concentrate on what you need to achieve.

We engage in climbing because we like the activity. It’s challenging to adore something that makes you uncomfortable. Try wearing socks with your rock climbing shoes if you notice that your feet are constantly aching on the cracks. You’ll feel the cushiony love for your feet!

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